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Herbs of Withania, Rehmannia, Liquorice, Rhodiola, Korean Ginseng, Siberian Ginseng

WITHANIA (Withania somnifera)
In recent years Withania has been used by Western herbalists for its ability to both strengthen those who are weak and calm those who are stressed and anxious. It enhances the function of the brain and nervous system and improves the memory. It improves the function of the reproductive system promoting a healthy sexual and reproductive balance. Being a powerful adaptogen it enhances the body's resilience to stress.

Traditional Use:
Withania is a revered medicinal plant that has been used in Ayurvedic and indigenous medicine for millennia to relieve stress, increase energy levels and improve concentration. In Ayurveda Withania is referred to as a rasayana. Most of the rasayana herbs are adaptogen and anti-stress agents. Among the Ayurvedic rasayana herbs withania holds the most prominent place.

Adaptogen, anxiolytic, nervine tonic, tonic, mild sedative, aphrodisiac, anti-inflammatory, antitumour, antioxidant, immunomodulatory, cardioprotective


  • Anxiety, insomnia, stress especially with debility and nervous exhaustion, wasting disorders, especially in children and the elderly, exhaustion associated with reduced iron levels, anaemia

  • Longevity and conditions associated with aging such as memory loss, Parkinson’s disease, cardiovascular disease (combines well with Terminalia arjuna).

  • Chronic and degenerative diseases, especially of an inflammatory nature, such as arthritis, hypothyroidism and insulin resistance

  • Reproductive health, low libido, impotence due to stress and poor vitality

  • Possible prophylactic in cancer and adjunctive treatment during chemotherapy

  • Assistance in the withdrawal of addictive drugs

Use in Pregnancy:
Withania is used as a tonic to support pregnancy and lactation, and to prevent miscarriage, in the Ayurvedic tradition. However Western texts urge caution in pregnancy due to reputed abortifacient activity and antifertility effects when taken in large doses which were noted in early animal studies despite there being no evidence of foetal damage.

Contraindications & Cautions:
Use with caution in peptic ulcer disease as withania may cause gastrointestinal irritation. People who are sensitive to the Solanaceae family should use this herb with caution.

Drug interactions:
Caution with benzodiazepines antidiabetic, central nervous system depressant and immunosuppressant drugs. Monitor with antihypertensive drugs. Combination may be beneficial with antipsychotic drugs such as haloperidol, clomipramine and chemotherapeutic agents. Medical supervision is recommended.

Dietary Information:
Guèrison’s Premium Liquid Herbal Extracts are Vegan-friendly. Gluten and Dairy-Free


REHMANNIA (Rehmannia glutinosa)
Rehmannia supports adrenal gland function. Other effects include an anti-inflammatory action in allergies, fibromyalgia and autoimmune diseases such as rheumatoid arthritis, multiple sclerosis and psoriasis. Its tonic, immune regulating, adaptogen and anti-inflammatory actions make it useful for endometriosis. Rehmannia may also protect against the suppressive effects of corticosteroid therapy and chemotherapy. 

Traditional Use:
Rehmannia has been widely used in traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) for more than 2000 years. It is renowned as a longevity herb that has the ability to balance the “yin”. According to TCM yin deficiency in the kidneys is closely associated with exhaustion and fatigue.

Adaptogen, antipyretic, adrenal tonic/trophorestorative, antihaemorrhagic, anti-inflammatory, mild laxative, immune regulating


  • Menopausal symptoms, endometriosis

  • Rheumatoid arthritis, osteoporosis, fibromyalgia, multiple sclerosis

  • Asthma

  • Allergies, urticaria, psoriasis, skin rashes

  • Chronic nephritis (inflammation of the kidney)

  • Fevers

  • Adrenal function support

  • Constipation

  • Diabetes

  • Insomnia

  • To protect against the suppressive effects of corticosteroid therapy and chemotherapy

Use in Pregnancy:
Not recommended due to lack of sufficient data. In TCM its use is endorsed.

Contraindications & Cautions:
Contraindicated in transplant recipients, or those taking therapeutic immunosuppressives. Avoid in diarrhoea and lack of appetite due to possible irritation of gastrointestinal tract; also where there is a known allergy/hypersensitivity to rehmannia, any of its constituents or members of the Orobanchaceae family.

Drug Interactions:
Caution with antidiabetic drugs. May be beneficial with irbesartan (sold under the brand name Avapro among others. A medication used to treat high blood pressure, heart failure and diabetic kidney disease) – registered natural health practitioner supervision recommended.

Dietary Information:
Guèrison’s Premium Liquid Herbal Extracts are Vegan-friendly. Gluten and Dairy-Free


LIQUORICE (Glycyrrhiza glabra)
Liquorice has a rich history and has been used medicinally for more than 4000 years. It is a demulcent that soothes mucous membranes relieving the common twin symptoms of sore throats and coughs, especially those dry and irritating coughs that can keep people up all night. It is also commonly used to soothe the digestive tract including symptoms of irritable bowel syndrome and digestive ulcers. It an adaptogen for people with adrenal insufficiency who have symptoms of fatigue, tiredness upon waking up in the morning, elevated cortisol and blood sugar levels, and frequent colds.

Traditional Uses:
Liquorice has been traditionally used in herbal medicine as an expectorant helping to relieve complaints such as catarrhs, coughs and bronchitis, to support gastric function (dyspepsia) and inflammatory conditions of the gastrointestinal tract, such as gastritis, gastric and duodenal ulcers in adults.

Anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, adrenal tonic, mucoprotective, demulcent, antiulcer (peptic), antispasmodic, mild laxative, antiviral, antimicrobial, hepatoprotective, expectorant, antitussive,  immunostimulant, immunomodulator.


  • Viral infections, chest complaints

  • Digestive symptoms, liver damage and inflammatory conditions of the gastrointestinal and urinary tract.

  • Rheumatoid arthritis, gout and allergic states

  • Addison’s disease (primary adrenal insufficiency), HIV/AIDS treatment adjuvant

  • Menopausal symptoms, endometriosis, ovarian cyst, PCOS, infertility, hyperprolactinaemia, androgen excess, weight loss, muscle cramps

  • Aids in the withdrawal of corticosteroid drugs

  • Depression, chronic stress

  • Eczema, psoriasis, dermatitis

  • Topically for recurrent mouth ulcers, post-operative sore throat (gargle)

Use in Pregnancy:

Contraindications & Cautions:
Should be used with caution in people with (or a genetic predisposition to) hypertension or fluid retention, and is contraindicated in hypotonia, severe renal insufficiency, hypokalaemia, liver cirrhosis and cholestatic liver disease. The effects are likely to be dose-dependent. As it may questionably reduce testosterone levels in men, caution should be used in men with a history of impotence, infertility or decreased libido. Precaution should be taken with people with prolonged gastrointestinal transit time, anorexic and elderly patients. Patients on high doses for a prolonged period (>2 weeks) should be placed on a low sodium, high potassium diet. Excessive or prolonged ingestion has resulted in symptoms of an apparent “mineralocorticoid excess syndrome” typical of primary hyperaldosteronism, namely hypertension, sodium, chloride and water retention, hypokalaemia and weight gain, but also in low levels of plasma renin activity, aldosterone and antidiuretic hormone. This can be abated after cessation of intake, adequate potassium replacement and spironolactone therapy.

Drug Interactions:
Caution with cisplatin (chemotherapy medication), corticosteroids, cyclosporin (an immunosuppressant medication), digoxin, diuretic drugs (thiazide and loop), laxatives including herbal laxatives, oestrogens (including oral contraceptives and hormone replacement therapy), warfarin and antihypertensive drugs. Combining with non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs may be beneficial.

Dietary Information:
Guèrison’s Premium Liquid Herbal Extracts are Vegan-friendly. Gluten and Dairy-Free


RHODIOLA (Rhodiola rosea)
The modern use of rhodiola is as an adaptogenic tonic known as the best herb for ‘21st century stress’ which manifests as fatigue, mental fog, trouble concentrating, low energy and mild depression. Many herbalists use rhodiola to support people with depression and anxiety. It appears to be able to significantly reduce the fatigue and 'burnout' that come from chronic stress and anxiety.

Traditional Use:
Rhodiola has been used as a medicinal herb for centuries throughout Northern Europe and Scandinavia. It has been used traditionally by the Vikings and Siberians to increase physical strength and endurance, resistance to cold and disease and to promote fertility and longevity. Rhodiola was well regarded traditionally for building strength, stamina and vitality in the harsh climates where it thrives.  It was commonly employed for anaemia, fatigue and depression, as well as for infections, infertility, impotence and gastrointestinal ailments.

Adaptogen, antioxidant, antidepressant, anxiolytic, cardioprotective, anticancer, anti-inflammatory, hormonal regulator, central nervous system stimulant


  • Physical and emotional stress

  • Depression & anxiety

  • Endurance & sports

  • Cardiovascular disease

  • Fatigue

  • Poor memory & concentration

  • Immune insufficiency & cancer

  • Oxidative stress and inflammatory disorders

  • Female infertility, sexual dysfunction in men

Use in Pregnancy:
Not known to be contraindicated in pregnancy, though safety studies have not been done.

Contraindications & Cautions:
While the administration of rhodiola may be beneficial in monopolar depression, use is not recommended for bipolar states.

Drug Interactions:
Caution with monoamine oxidase inhibitors (MAOIs – used to treat depression), antidepressant (e.g. paroxetine, escitalopram), antidiabetic and immunosuppressant drugs.

Dietary Information:
Guèrison’s Premium Liquid Herbal Extracts are Vegan-friendly. Gluten and Dairy-Free


SIBERIAN GINSENG (Eleutherococcus senticosus)
Siberian ginseng is often referred to as the ‘king of adaptogens’ and is traditionally used to help the body better adapt to stress. It is most effective in the treatment of prolonged exhaustion and anxiety resulting from overwork, lack of sleep and long-term stress and shows promise for the management of moderate chronic fatigue syndrome. Siberian ginseng is also used for increased endurance, especially athletic performance, and memory improvement, as well as for immunological enhancement and overall well-being.

Traditional Use:
In Russia Siberian ginseng was originally used by people in the Siberian taiga (sub-arctic) region to increase performance and quality of life, and to decrease infections. In the 1950s the term adaptogen was coined by Soviet scholars and they considered Siberian ginseng to be one of the most important adaptogens after Korean ginseng (Panax ginseng). It can invigorate qi (vital energy), strengthen the spleen and nourish the kidney in the theory of Traditional Chinese Medicine. Siberian ginseng was first introduced into the American herb market in the late 1970s, as Wuchaseng and Wujiaseng, and it became commonly known as Eleuthero.

Adaptogen, immunomodulator, antiviral, mild stimulant, tonic


  • Tonic in cases of decreased performance

  • Prophylactic and restorative tonic

  • Convalescence during recovery from acute or chronic disease, trauma, surgery and other stressful episodes

  • Increases the body’s resistance to stressful exposures

  • Adjunctive cancer treatment

Use in Pregnancy:
Safety during pregnancy and lactation has not been established. In the absence of sufficient data, the use during pregnancy and lactation is not recommended. It is not traditionally used in pregnancy.

Contraindications & Cautions:
May cause insomnia in some people if taken too close to bedtime. People with hypertension should be monitored.

Drug Interactions:
Caution with alcohol, central nervous system depressants, digoxin, lithium and immunosuppressant drugs. Monitor with anticoagulant/antiplatelet and antidiabetic drugs. May be beneficial in chemotherapy – medical supervision recommended.

Dietary Information:
Guèrison’s Premium Liquid Herbal Extracts are Vegan-friendly. Gluten and Dairy-Free.

KOREAN GINSENG (Panax ginseng)
Ginseng root has been used empirically for thousands of years in Asian countries. It is one of the most important medicinal products in Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM). Its indication as a general tonic, along with those of physical performance enhancer, ‘adaptogen’ and aphrodisiac, has survived to this day. It is used as a tonic for the treatment of physical or mental exhaustion, stress, lowered immunity, general weakness, cold extremities, lack of appetite, weakness and wasting after long duration of illness, anxiety accompanied with heart palpitations and insomnia, impotence and infertility in women and cardiac insufficiency.

Traditional Use:
The man-shaped root was initially taken as a whole body treatment according to the ‘doctrine of signatures'.

Adaptogen, tonic, immunostimulant, anticancer, anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, antiproliferative, antiallergic, antiemetic, antidepressant, demulcent, stomachic, aphrodisiac, stimulant, diuretic, neuroprotective, cardioprotective, antihypertensive



  • Support cognitive function and/or reduce mental fatigue (in cases of mental stress), enhance physical capacity/performance (in cases of physical stress), cancer related weakness, cardiac insufficiency, anxiety accompanied with heart palpitations

  • Lowered immunity; impotence, menopausal symptoms

  • Cold extremities; lack of appetite, weakness and wasting after long duration of illness and during convalescence

  • Diabetes and supportive therapy for the promotion of healthy glucose levels

  • Short term to improve stamina, concentration, healing processes, stress resistance, vigilance and work efficiency in healthy individuals

  • Long term (up to three months – a repeated course is feasible) to improve wellbeing in debilitated and degenerative conditions especially those associated with old age

Sweet, slightly bitter and slightly warm. Tonifies the ‘primal qi’ and the ‘qi of all organs’, especially that of the lungs and spleen.

Use in Pregnancy:
While use in TCM formulas in Asia is common during pregnancy and lactation, caution is advised.

Contraindications & Cautions:
Older literature suggests ginseng is contraindicated during acute illness, haemorrhage and the acute period of coronary thrombosis. It’s also recommended that people who are highly energetic, nervous or schizophrenic should avoid it, and it should not be taken with stimulants, including caffeine (coffee), antipsychotic drugs or during treatment with hormones. The scientific basis for many of these statements is not clear.

Drug Interactions:
Caution with caffeine, digoxin, imatinib (chemotherapy medication), insulin, midazolam (a benzodiazepine with sedative properties), monoamine oxidase inhibitors (antidepressants), nifedipine (a medicine used to treat high blood pressure), oestrogens, raltegravir (an antiretroviral medication used to treat HIV/AIDS), anticoagulant/antiplatelet (such as warfarin), antidiabetic, immunosuppressant and stimulant drugs (such as cocaine, methamphetamine, nicotine and prescription stimulants such as Ritalin). May be beneficial with cancer therapy (chemotherapy and radiotherapy) under medical supervision.

Dietary Information:
Guèrison’s Premium Liquid Herbal Extracts are Vegan-friendly. Gluten and Dairy-Free.

Dietary Information:
Guèrison’s Premium Liquid Herbal Extracts are Vegan-friendly. Gluten and Dairy-Free.