Are You Feeling Stressed, Can't Sleep, No Energy, Motivation or Joy? Then read on....


Do you have trouble sleeping?  Or wake in the morning feeling exhausted and flat with no motivation for the day?  Do you drag yourself through your day, needing some “pick me up” in the mid-afternoon to get you through to the evening?  Then, when it’s time to go to bed and sleep, do you find yourself not sleepy, but just “tired” and “wired”?

If you answered YES to any of the above questions, the chances are you are suffering from Adrenal Fatigue. But don’t worry—you’re not alone. It is more common than you may think, and it is successfully and effectively treatable with excellent results!

The adrenal glands control stress.  In the presence of stress, the adrenal glands produce cortisol in response to the internal and outside stressors.  It is the typical “fight” and “flight” response to perceived danger.  It was designed as a survival mechanism to alert us to act in response to danger.  Think, being chased by a tiger in primitive times and having to keep on running to stop yourself from being attacked!  However, if your Adrenal Glands continue producing too much cortisol, then belly fat will develop around our middle area.  This is your primitive human survival instinct going into action to protect your vital organs behind that accumulating belly fat (eg. Intestines, heart, kidney, bowel).  Your adrenal glands are also your secondary “back-up” glands to ovaries in women.  This is why when women have hormonal issues, they most often will have adrenal issues at the same time and vice versa. 

When people have adrenal fatigue, they can’t sleep, wake up constantly and fitfully with a mind that won’t stop solving all the real and imagined problems of future scenarios.  Lack of sleep reduces your capacity to create enough energy in your body to stimulate any of your body’s fat burning ability.  Because fat burning occurs in the deep sleep cycle of your nightly sleep.

The adrenal glands sit on top of the kidneys.   They have one job to do and that is to counter stress and to keep your immune system as high as possible.  Emotional stress and physical stress are the big contributors of cortisol release and yet emotional stress can actually deplete the adrenal glands one thousand times more than physical stress can!  That is why the loss of a loved one, traumatic event or even constant traumatic events, illness, chronic stress and lack of sleep, deplete the ultimate functioning of your adrenal glands (since the time you were in your mother’s womb- and the accumulation of all her stress she may have had!).

The Adrenal Body Type person will almost always have belly fat.  Or at the very minimum, they will have more belly fat than they used to.  The fat in the belly comes from cortisol which is the hormone that makes it.  And it won’t matter how much cardio and fat burning exercise you do, because that will, in fact, just make it worse and create more belly fat!

Why does the Adrenal Body Type person always gain weight in the belly?  Because that is where our vital organs are, in the mid-section of our body.  As a survival mechanism back when we were hunters and gatherers, the belly fat would increase to protect our bodies during war and famine.  We hold it in that region because it is our body’s way of feeding ourselves should the worst happen. 

When you’re 18 cortisol is at its lowest.  When you’re 58, that is when it is at its highest because it accumulates over time.  But, ALL stress is accumulative (meaning it adds on and on to the last lot of stress, illness, trauma, fatigue, etc, that your body has been through).  So basically, your adrenal glands are like a water bucket that fills up with water over and over again.  Over time, it can become so full that it starts to deplete the corrective actions of our adrenal glands and cortisol.

Then, the next major issue that happens with adrenal fatigue, is its effect on the

body’s cognitive (brain) function.  The Adrenal Type person will always be thinking and thinking and not be able to turn off their “thinking, problem-solving” mind.  Unfortunately, there is a specific time when this “over-thinking mind” goes into over-drive, and that is when your body, mind AND cortisol, are meant to be winding down for your resting, healing sleep cycle.

Adrenal Fatigue creates excessive thinking, affects memory and focus (think, brain fog!).  The Adrenal person will have less tolerance for certain personality types.  For example, slow drivers and incompetent people will drive an Adrenal Body Type person crazy.  Even to the point that some people are so burnt out that even the sound of a ticking clock drives them crazy, and it becomes intolerable to them. These are examples of extreme cases, yet don’t be fooled! Because they are very common symptoms, I see in clinical practice every day!  

Most people don’t even realise that it is not normal to feel this way and that these are actually symptoms of a very debilitating health issue. Because over time, your body adapts to this feeling, and it becomes “the norm”.  When it is not the norm and should never be!

If left untreated severe, chronic Adrenal Fatigue can eventually result in chronic fatigue syndrome or a multitude of other health issues which become more complex as time goes on.

Unfortunately, adrenal fatigue is a mostly unrecognized and insidious process that can happen over a long, slow period of time, without the poor sufferer even realising what is happening. Their symptoms are seemingly unrelated, and they are just one of so many. Most people will present to their health practitioner or mention to their friends and family that they can’t perhaps put their finger on what’s wrong, but something is not quite right!

Other symptoms can include dizziness, depression, feeling weepy/teary or overly emotional for no reason, gut issues, constipation, dry skin and hair, brittle nails, indigestion, a feeling of “on edge” but with no energy, motivation or “joy for life”.  They may go to their family health practitioner who may do blood tests and eventually will announce that there is nothing wrong with them, and pronounce all is OK, because there is nothing glaringly obvious that comes back in their test results.

However, there are very effective treatments to nourish and heal the adrenal

glands and to correct the health issues that manifest because of this debilitating health issue.

There are ways to treat Adrenal Fatigue, that can be implemented straight away, in order to start turning your adrenal fatigue around!  Usually with a 6-week treatment protocol, clients start sleeping and feeling better if taken according to instructions. 

YOU can join many hundreds of clients, now you know the real secret to regaining your life and vitality as you know you should AND keep it that way